
Christine Teo
Living in Singapore &
Here's my formal invitation;
You and me go masquerading
Lose ourselves in this charade and
Is this love we're imitating?


may i?

(for the time being)
- wait for it ;) -

March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009

x o x o x
- Since 040409

Thursday, April 30, 2009

it's nice to bitch about people.
i wonder why.


written on
6:06 PM

miracles need a tragedy to happen first.
- one of the most mind-blowing epiphanies I ever had.

Speech day was boring.
had disgusting egg sandwiches.
meeting was fun. lol.
my side bar is cute ya?
with ever changing face thingos 8D
stayed back for programme meeting.
oh. and NCT meeting :D

waited the hell for charlotte to finish.
gave up halfway and went to some sudden family meeting thing.
which got cancelled when i stepped on the mrt -.-
so went to watch 17 again with yufeng, hai hua, manjia, jingren, wye inn and zhenwen o.o
(sorry charlotte X:)

pretty boring movie.
'cept that i like that cute sterling guy.

off to slack somemore.

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written on
5:44 PM

i'm blogging at sch.
i'm hungry.

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written on
12:30 PM

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

cos you're a creep who counts on others,
a slacker who blames people for the mess,
and a sucker for trouble.

and i'm only posting this because I do care about you.

i'm off editing my skin.
LOL. wait for it.
if anything does come out.

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written on
8:21 PM

thanks to second on the most loved list Jia Yi :D


written on
6:43 PM

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

let's see.
i got another moodswing, and i seriously don't want to be bothered anymore.
it sure feels good to know that friends are just there when you want them,
and gone when they're not.
i'm tired of making the effort all the time.

bye love.
i'm sleeping early tonight.

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written on
9:24 PM



written on
8:38 PM

kids at risk ain't kids as risk until you label them as kids as risk.

chew on it.

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written on
8:27 PM

Rule #1:
If you open this you take it

Rule #2:
You are NOT ALLOWED to explain ANYTHING unless someone messages you and asks.

Rule #3:
Tag 17 people.

Rule #4:
Answer True (T) or False (F).

Q: Kissed someone? T
Q: Been arrested? F
Q: Do you like someone? T
Q: Held a snake? T
Q: Been suspended from school? F
Q: Sang karaoke? T
Q: Done something you told yourself you wouldn't do? T
Q: Laughed until you started crying? T
Q: Caught a snowflake on your tongue? F
Q: Kissed in the rain? F
Q: Sang in the shower? T
Q: Sat on a roof top? F
Q: Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on? T
Q: Broken a bone? F
Q: Shaved your head? F
Q: Played a prank on someone? T
Q: Shot a gun? T
Q: Donated blood? F

Just be 100% truthful.

1. You hung out with? Zhang Yang. technically -.-
2. You texted? Dawei
3. You were in a car with? Can't rmb.
4. Went to the movies with? Can't rmb D:
5. Person you went to shop with? Family?
6. You talked on the phone? Dawei -.-
7. Made you laugh? Hui Jun
8. You hugged? Jiaying (AFTER PETE WENTZ O:)


1. Sun or moon? Moon.
2. Winter or Fall? Fall.
3. Left or Right? Right.
4. Sunny or rainy? Rainy.
5. Where do you live? Singapore.
6. Club or pub? Pub.
7. Are there 1 or 2 people who you can always trust and rely on? Yes.
8. Do you want to get married? Someday.
9. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? Twirl.
10. What time is it? 2000
11. Are you afraid of commitment? Some kinds.
12. What is your greatest hope/wish? Idk.
13. Do you cook? Sometimes.
14. Current mood? Bored

1. Kissed someone? No.
2. Sang? Yes.
3. Listened to music? Yes.
4. Danced? No.
5. Cried? No.
6. Liked someone you can't? No.

1. Who was your first prom date? No one.
2. Who was your first roommate? Parents.
3. What alcoholic beverage did you drink when you got drunk the first time? Vodka -.-
5. What was your first car? Not yet.
6. When did you go to your first funeral and viewing? 13.
8. Who was your first grade teacher? Mrs Elizabeth Tan O:
9. Where did you go on your first ride on an airplane? Japan.
10. When you snuck out of your house for the first time, who was it with? Myself alone.
11. Who was your first best friend? Pearl Lieu in P1. and then she disappeared to nowhere in p3.
12. Who is your best friend? XL, Amanda, Kellie, Hui Jun, Pearl
13. Where was your first sleepover? None. sadly ._.
14. Who is the first person you call when you have a bad day? No one.
15. Whose wedding were you in the first time you were a bridesmaid or groomsmaid? Errrrr never.
16. What's the first thing you did when you got up this morning? Reply a sms.
17. First tattoo or piercing? Neither.
18. First celebrity crush? Pete Wentz
19. First crush? Shaun from p3. forgot everything else about him. (not to be confused with Shaun Ho of 3B who is not my boyf material.


written on
7:57 PM


Spell your name with songs.

Check Yes Juliet - We The Kings
Here In Your Arms - Hello Goodbye
Right Round - Flo Rider
It's Alright, It's Okay - Ashley Tisdale
Say It Again - Maria Digby
Thnks Fr Th Mmrs - FOB
I'm All About You - Aaron Carter
Never Too Late - Three Days Grace
Everytime - Britney Spears

Three Cheers for Five Years - Mayday Parade
Empty - TC5
Over My Head (Cable Car) - The Fray


Name: Christine Teo

Birth date: 18 10 1994.

Nickname(s): Chris, Wendy, Darling, Love, EH! (because it's short and sweet -.-)

Eye Color: Dark Brown

Hair Colour: Light Brown w Dark Brown roots -.-


The shoes you wore today: Nikes

Your weaknesses: Dreams/thinks/talks too much.

Your fears: Being alone,
barking dogs -_-

Your perfect pizza: Hawaiian/Pepperoni :D

Goal you'd like to achieve: 3 for GPA?


Your best physical feature: What d'you think?

Your bedtime: 2300ish to 0100ish.

Most missed memory: Idk, I have too many memorable events in my life hahahahaha.


This Or That...

Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi :D

McDonald’s or Burger King: McDonald's.

Adidas or Nike: Nike. Adi Dassler's company uses child labour.

Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Lipton FTW!

Chocolate or Vanilla: CHOCOLATE O:

Cappuccino or coffee: Latte?


Do You...

Sing: When I feel like it.

Dance: Nope

Take a shower everyday: Yeah.

Have a crush: Nope.

Do you think you’ve been in love: No.

Want to go to college: Yeah.

Want to get married: Someday.

Get motion sickness: Very, very rarely.

Think you’re attractive: As attractive as Amanda LOL.

Think you’re a health freak: I drink 0%fat strawberry yoghurt drink?

Get along with your parents: Yeah


In the past month...

Gone to the mall: Yeah. If I ever say no to this question, I'll cry O:

Eaten an entire box of Oreos: Nope.

Eaten sushi: Yep.

Been on stage: Yeah?

Gone skating: Yep :D

Made homemade cookies: Few times(:


Age you hope to be married: Before 30!

Number of Children: THREE! idk why.

Describe your Dream Wedding: Bella & Edward's. Only nicer 8D

What country would you most like to visit?: Currently? Paris (oh wait. that's not a country -.-)


In the opposite gender...

Best eye color?: Blueish Grey/Greyish Blue/Grey/Sea-water Green/Pale Blue

Best hair color?: Reddish brown

Short hair or long hair?: Long with Sharpay Evans Curls O:

Height: 165?


Number of people I could trust with my life: 1. because trust can be broken.

Number of CDs that I own: Can't rmb.

Number of tattoos: Zero (do fake ones count? not that I have any at the moment LOL)

Number of piercings: None):

Personal Quiz

Who were you with yesterday? 3B, Amanda, HuiJun, Kellie, Family

What woke you up this morning? uh. phonecall by dawei at 11.30 last night, and my alarm at 5.30 this morn.

Where are you? "Study" room -.-

Is tomorrow going to be a good day? No. Yes. Maybe. No. No. Maybe.

Do you like anybody? Define like.


Ever thrown up in public? Thank God. No.

What’s on your mind RIGHT NOW? My shoulder hurts.


What kind of home would you like? Glass walls, near a lake + natural greenery. Minus the mosquitoes and insects X:

What do you want to be when you grow up? Someone I'ld look up to when I was 15.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years? In university having exams.


Do you like candy necklaces? Yeah, they're cool.

When was the last time you fell over or ran into something? Last month. DAMN EMBARASSING I TELL YOU.

Do you listen to music every day? yeah.

Do you still go trick or treating? "still"? I've never went trick or treating before, you know):

What was the last thing you ate? Ham o.o

Are you a fast typer? Not too bad.

What's your favorite type of soda? Anything that's not too gassy -_-

Have you ever moved? If you're talking about moving house, yeah. thrice -.-

Have you ever won an award? Yes.

Are you listening to music right now? Yes.

How long 'till your birthday? Approx. 5months and 3weeks.

When were you the saddest in your whole life? idk. I don't rmb the DEGREE of sadness.

Do you use eBay to buy or sell? Nope.

Who makes you mad? Myself.

Have you ever heard a song written about you? No, and I'm glad.

Something you want to happen in 2009? FOB coming back?

Honestly, do you miss 2008? Pretty much.


1. Honestly, what colour is your underwear? Pink?

2. Honestly, what's on your mind? I can't believe I just typed that *refers to above question*

3. Honestly, what are you doing right now? Living life as it is.

6. Honestly, have you done something bad today? Does pretending to sleep on the mrt count?

8. Honestly, who is the last person you talked to on the phone? Dawei.

9. Honestly, are you jealous of someone right now? Yes.

10. Honestly, what makes you mad most of the time? People like you.

11. Honestly, do you bite your nails? No.

12. Honestly, have you had an eating disorder? Nope.

13. Honestly, do you want to see someone this very moment? Yes

14. Honestly, are you keeping a big secret now? Yes.

15. Honestly, do you have a friend you don’t actually like? YES

17. Honestly, are you in denial? Yes.

18. Honestly, do you get up in the middle of the night and eat? Nope.

19. Honestly, do you like anyone? As I said, Define like.

20. Honestly, does anyone like you? Nah. they love me. (inside joke w jiayi)


1. What do you do when you’re mad? throw stuff.

2. What’s the worst thing you’ve done when you were mad? Slapped the person X:

3. Ever made anyone cry when you were mad? Yeah.


1. When was the last time you actually cried? Last Week at LA lecture

2. Ever cried yourself to sleep? Used to, but no longer.

3. Do certain songs make you cry? No, songs that can make me feel extreme heartache without bursting my tear ducts are the most emotional songs for me.

4. What usually makes you cry? LOL I HAVE NO IDEA.


1. Are you usually a happy person? Does being zihigh but sometimes pretends to be happy count?

2. What makes you the happiest? Introversion.

4. Do you believe in yourself? Yes.

5 When people say they think you are good looking/pretty, do you get happy? No. It's too cliche. LOL


Check the bands you've 
heard of, not just the ones you like.

[ ] Breaking Benjamin
[x] Paramore
[x] Linkin Park
[x] The Academy Is...
[x] Coldplay
[x] Three Days Grace
[x] Yellowcard
[x] 30 Seconds to Mars
[ ] Chevelle


[x] Rascal Flatts
[x] Carrie Underwood
[x] Leanne Rhymes
[ ] Garth Brooks
[x] Dixie Chicks
[ ] Kenny Chesney
[x] Tim McGraw
[x] Faith Hill
[x] Shania Twain
[ ] Johnny Cash


[x] Hawthorne Heights
[ ] Chiodos
[ ] Forgive Durden
[x] Amber Pacific
[x] The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
[ ] From First to Last
[ ] Senses Fail
[ ] Underoath
[ ] Something Corporate
[ ] Hit The Lights
[ ] Dear Whoever


[ ] The Hush Sound
[ ] Eisley
[x] Death Cab for Cutie
[x] Dashboard Confessional
[x] The Killers
[ ] Yeah Yeah Yeahs
[ ] Hot Hot Heat
[x] Gym Class Heroes
[x] Franz Ferdinand
[ ] Modest Mouse


[ ] Slipknot
[ ] System of a Down
[ ] Disturbed
[x] Metallica
[x] Guns n' Roses
[x] Lamb of God
[ ] Slayer
[ ] Hatebreed
[ ] Killswitch Engage


[x] Teddy Geiger
[x] Ashlee Simpson
[x] Kelly Clarkson
[x] Jesse McCartney
[x] Avril Lavigne
[x] Pink
[x] The Veronicas
[x] Daniel Powter
[x] James Blunt
[x] Natasha Bedingfield
[x] Ryan Cabrera


[x] Hellogoodbye
[x] Cute is What We Aim for
[ ] Cartel
[x] The Click Five
[x] Fall Out Boy
[ ] Rise Against
[x] Good Charlotte
[x] Bowling for Soup
[x] Relient K
[ ] Anti-Flag
[x] Simple Plan


[x] Ying Yang Twins
[x] T.I.
[x] Eminem
[ ] 2pac
[x] Jamie Foxx
[ ] Ludacris
[ ] Lil' Jon
[x] Outkast
[x] 50 Cent
[x] Kanye West
[ ] Notorious B.I.G
[x] Young Jeezy


[ ] Reel Big Fish
[ ] The Specials
[ ] MAD Caddies
[ ] Rancid
[ ] The Aquabats
[ ] Sublime
[ ] No Doubt
[ ] Madness
[ ] Operation Ivy
[ ] Bob Marley


[x] Taking Back Sunday
[x] All American Rejects
[x] Motion City Soundtrack
[x] Avenged Sevenfold
[x] Angels and Airwaves
[x] Evanescence
[x] My Chemical Romance
[ ] Drowning Pool
[x] Green Day
[x] Blink 182
[ ] Madina Lake


[x] The Beatles
[x] Led Zeppelin
[x] The Rolling Stones
[ ] The Cure
[ ] The Who
[x] Pink Floyd
[ ] Jimi Hendrix
[x] Queen
[x] Van Halen
[ ] Poison
[x] AC/DC

TOTAL = 69

Multiply your answer by 144 and then divide it by 100.
I am supposedly 99.36%
 obsessed with music.


written on
6:38 PM

01. Make a list of 5 things you can see:
My Laptop, the desktop, my watch, hot pink roller chair, torchlight o.o

02. Would you ever get plastic surgery?
nope ;)

03. What is your favorite guilty pleasure food in the fridge/freezer?
chocolate ice cream X:

04. What is your career dream?
photographer 8D or uh. someone who travels the world (:

05. Do you nap a lot?
does sleeping on the train count?

06. What was your first celebrity crush?
Pete Wentz. and he still is O:

07. What's your current fandom/obsession/addiction?
BRONX MOWGLI WENTZ O: omg. cutest baby ever.

08. What are you listening to right now?
It's Alright, It's Okay by Ashley Tisdale

09. Do you read fanfic? What are you reading now?

10. What websites do you always visit when you go online?
Facebook, Blogs, Metrolyrics,, Hotmail, Google

16. Guilty pleasure pastimes?
Eating waaaaaaaay too much chocolate X:

17. Do you have any siblings?
Younger sis & bro ):

18. What's something you plan to do today?
Sleep early O:

19. What are your plans for next weekend?
Usher parents for PTM? Ju Eng Home CIP

20. Say something to the people you tagged:

I tag Jia Yi, Amanda, Pearl, Kellie, whoever.


written on
6:37 PM

Here's what you're supposed to do: JUST ANSWER.

Be creative and dig deep within yourself for the answer. There is no limitation to how you answer a question. Tag as many friends as you can.

If I were an American...
- I'd have blonde hair with greyish-blue eyes, and be best friends with Ashley Tisdale 8D

If I were a Japanese...
- I'ld start a campaign on having more babies to stop ageing population so that poor students in Singapore won't have to do a roleplay on ageing population.

If I were an only child...
- I'd have everything that I want, and I'd be wishing for a sister (even though my siblings are freaking me out now)

If I were a rock star...
- I want to be as real as possible. Real as in I'ld live life like anyone else is. I want to sing because I love singing. Not because of the fame or money.

If I were homeless...
- I'll approach the government for help LOL.

If I were Barack Obama...
- WANG CONG WOULD BE MY BEST FRIEND! and I'll help him run for president in the near future xD

If I were fighting in Iraq...
- I would not know about what's happening outside it. No internet, no pretty things to zihigh about, etc. ):

If my life were a hit musical...
- The people who stay to the end are those that love me. (to jiayi, yes, that includes satan LOL.)

If I were an animal...
- I want to remain unfound by humans. Because humans will lock me up in cages and exhibit me D:

If I were a lawyer...
- I would be on the prosecutor's side. I HAVE NO IDEA WHY -.-

If I were an actor/actress...
- I would wish I wasn't that famous.

If I were Paris Hilton...
- I'd quit being a bimbo.

If I could rule the world...
- I'd stop global warming.

If I were in a cafeteria now...
- I'll be drinking starbucks and chatting with Kellie while she refuses to drink coffee

If I were home alone...
- I will never watch horror movies o.o

If I weren't home alone...
- I'd be driven crazy by my siblings.

If I were the opposite sex...
- I would want to be a girl cos army sucks 8D

If I were a gadget...
- I wouldn't want to be dropped into the water. OR MAYBE I'M WATERPROOF AND WON'T SHORT-CIRCUIT LOL.

If I were a chemical...
- I'll be Oxygen. everyone needs me to survive (ego, much?)

If I were super rich...
- I wouldn't keep my money in the bank. Cos if it collapses, I'll die D:


written on
6:36 PM

i ain't flirting with boys. i just realise that i'm doing it after -.-

all man are equal.
it's the things they do that make them seem different.
a thief is only lesser than the president because people judge them by their actions.
it's called discrimination.

oh idk.
pretty good day today.
it rained in physics.
spent recess with amanda and huijun(:
was happy until chem.
got damn pissed.
don't want to talk about it.
(no it's not my results, tyvm)
bad mood till after sch.
shaun friend and wangcong best friend yeah?
haha. i think 2C ppl in 3B are damn interesting X:

lunched with huijun & pearl.
met mark, zhangyang, zonglong there.
eh. coincidence okay?
then met yiren and co. (can't rmb who.)
ate, left.
and huijun won the bet she never betted on.

reached home,
felt betrayed,
talking to jiayi,
changing msn font color.
zihigh LOL.
yeah sure. let's flirt -.-
i shall go mug ACE now o.o

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written on
5:08 PM

Monday, April 27, 2009
pearly whites again -.-


i wanted to sleep happy,
but i guess it's back to square one.

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written on
11:08 PM


i've been online for 2hrs?
and nobody msned me.
and i just realised why:
oh wth.

i wasted 2 hrs worth of socializing time ):
and i feel damn stupid now omg.

but i really like the pictures below.
rofl. i want a sony t900):
then can take more pics.

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written on
10:38 PM

patrick 8D

yeap. that was from their sg concert 8D
edited the 2 other pics that I had.
I think my photography skills own. lol.

hm. pretty slack day today.
no homework,
reached home at 9 after comp train.
damn sleepy now.
shall slack for a while more X:

happy bday pat(:

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written on
9:53 PM

Sunday, April 26, 2009

i'm currently missing 2C's clique.
and we're not having breakfast tmr):

are you missing me the same way i'm missing you?

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written on
11:03 PM


spent 2 hrs on my mind map.
and it's still not done.
started out as a draft so i did it on scrap paper -.-
then halfway decided it looks too nice to be a draft
(and i had no time to redraw it)
shall stick a piece of paper behind so it'll seem not scrap paperish.
and tell mrs phua abt it -.-
and geog is still at 10% studied.
I am so gonna die for test tmr ):

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written on
10:30 PM

pearlywhites, boy's tights.

and Be A Man ):

I miss 2C clique.

i should have listened to xl from the moment he met you. that you were only in for the gains. that you were a fucking paris hilton. that you could never be the friend that I sought. but I didn't. cos I thought we had a bond as strong as that in ionic bonding. when we made each others' negative into positive. but I guess ionic bonds can be broken too. and all we needed is water. ie. xy chroms. ohh man. you're turning into those kind of flirts that i hate. those that talk about themselves everytime. those that never listen. i wish i never had to use these words on you, but now there's no better adj. whore/bitch/flirt/faker/hypocrite/liar.

it just so happens that those are all that I hate. go get every boy under your charm, make them all love you. but you'll never find the love that you're seeking, the one that fits the other half of your heart.

it's too late for regrets, eh?

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written on
8:06 PM


bad headache + 2 more hw before i'm done.
christine shall persist to the end.

my blog hits are getting seriously
you get the idea.
i think my posts are getting too boring.
i knew superfluous postings sucked ._.
but life's too happy for chim emo posts.
i want mcs breakfast again tmr):

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written on
7:55 PM

you are holy, holy

oh my mama.
spent the day after church mugging.
finished PHYSICS ASSG (minus 3 questions)
and MATH ASSG (minus some parts that idk how to do)
and mugged a bit of GEOG.

left chem mindmap + more geog mugging.
head kinda groggy now.
even after 3hrs of sleep D:
cross fingers and hope to get well soon.

had homeblessing for CG.
pretty good results with Debs (:
youth alpha 8D
i shall drag some ppl to go with me O:

back to researching for mindmaps and stuff.

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written on
7:07 PM

Saturday, April 25, 2009

i think i'm sick.
ugh. why always on weekends/holidays):
i miss breaks instead of sch.

KTOM is making me very sleepy.

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written on
9:37 PM

GPA sucks.

i'm trying very hard to understand kinetic theory of matter:
resuly of falling asleep in class ):

i think my grades are dead.
i'm sad now.
if I get less than 2 I think i'll cry.

looking forward to church tmr.
i need a dose of God seriously.

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written on
9:29 PM

going back from marine parade now.
damn hungry

written on
5:42 PM


Write the names of 21 friends you can think off the top of your head, and then answer the questions. Say you’re guessing if you don’t know, but at least guess on all of them. After doing this, tag your 21 friends to do the same.---
1. myself
2. yufeng
3. caris
4. veron
5. ziyi
6. rason
7. dawei
8. adalric
9. amanda lee
10. pearl
11. huijun
12. koh jiamin
13. kellie
14. deborah
15. haonan
16. xinyi
17. charlotte
18. vivian toh
19. daniel tay
20.  xinlei
21. jiayi

*How did you meet 7?
(dawei) 3B 8)

*What would you do if you and 15 had never met?
(haonan) i would die of boredom on the mrt.
either that or die of bottling up stuff D:

*What would you do if 20 and 1 dated?
(xinlei & me) i don't date. but he's a nice guy(:

*Would 4 and 16 make a good couple?
(veron & xinyi) no. no GGR in dhs okay?

*Do you want to be 13's friend forever?
(kellie) hell yeah! my darling seh 8D

*Do you think 11 is attractive?
ego boost, much? (inside joke)

*What’s 5’s favorite color?
(ziyi) yellow

*When was the last time you talked to 9?
(amanda) yesterday :D

*Who is 13 going out with?
(kellie) ME! or her
monkey man LOL.

*Would you ever date 17?
(charlotte) if it means passing all my exams cos all our dates would include note copying.

*Where does 18 live?
(vivian toh) EUNOS!

*What is the best thing about 4?
(veron) her height o.o she's 10cm taller than me wth ):

*What would you like to tell 10 right now?
(pearl) eh when we going to watch our movies?

*What is the best thing about 20?
(xinlei) he makes me happy in a way that others can't.

*Have you ever kissed 2?
(yufeng) nope.

*What’s the best memory you have of 5?
(ziyi) uh. CME lesson? when caris had to say how she'll reject someone o.o

*How is 7 different from 6?
(dawei & rason) rason's a pig -.-
everyday sleep in class lol.

yay. done.
shall go prepare stuff now.


written on
10:17 AM

i'm awake 8)
leaving for project meeting at PP in 1 1/2 hrs.
got direct bus there from woodlands :D

bored now.
shall do a quiz in a new post.

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written on
10:14 AM

Friday, April 24, 2009
bang! instant justice

i suddenly feel like talking a hell load to someone who would listen.
i'm not emoing, surprisingly.
it's just this compulsion to let somebody know all that i'm thinking.
it's a mask that hides your face.

training today was plastic.
had loads of fun with the std ones.
but i guess it had something to do with the people that I was around.
a face that hides the pain.

did pretty well for compre,
flunked math (i think).
just plain disappointed by myself.
a pain that eats your heart.

had dinner with hao nan and bryan.
the sky was freaking nice.
I want a Sony T900):
a heart that nobody knows.

ah well. i'm sleepy.
shall drink my ribena and sleep (:
bye love.
bangbang, you're dead.

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written on
10:10 PM

Thursday, April 23, 2009
i'll trust in You

math is killing me.
i'm just not in the mood.
i'll go do quiet time.
God will lead me to the right passage.
i'll trust in that.
i'll show you the best that i can be.

if that doesn't work,
you can show me what's good.

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written on
8:56 PM

mama, i'm not gonna cry

you make me feel so insignificant.
when i study, you scold me for not doing other stuff.
when i don't study, you make me feel bad by saying
"your results don't matter; you've tried your best"

because i know i havent.
and i don't know how to please you anymore.
and it sucks to know that what i'm trying so hard for doesn't matter to you.
my poor results, my dropping gpa,
my shortage of time with you.
it hurts that while you're praising my siblings for the stuff they did,
i never hear anything for me except scoldings.

yeah i'm crying now.
because i don't matter to you that much.

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written on
8:43 PM


i'm sorry i'm just not that into it now.
major math test tmr.
i'm scared.

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written on
8:19 PM

you're such a stranger to me

i realise that it's true.
they're all you ever talk about.
and it's kinda tiring talking about the same thing to you,
everytime i see you, when i rarely see you.

you've changed so much so that i don't recognize you anymore.
you tell me about love, so much about what you're going through.
but do you even hear me talking?

yeah, we're all searching for some love,
but i think you're just flaunting what you have,
flirting with all you've got.
(making yourself look such a slut)

but they love you.
that's the main point, ain't it?
being popular;
being the girl every guy wants?

being the friend i used to have.

xl was right.
i should never have made you part of my life,
never loved you like i loved him.
i guess we'll stay paris hilton and nicole ritchie.
best frenemies forever, yeah?
in case you don't know, it does hurt. every single cell.

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written on
7:04 PM

eventful day today.
left school very happy,
(even though i had to miss comp train cos i strained my thigh -.-)
had lunch with darlings 8)
and caught up with amanda :D

got veryveryvery pissed on the mrt.
specially took to raffles for a seat.
I got my seat.
sat next to a maid with a cute eurasian toddler.
then abt somerset there (?) some OTHER maid with a crying baby boarded.
and apparently i didn't know until the toddler maid gave her seat to the baby maid.
(cos I was listening to my earphones)
then the baby cried like mad.
and this uncle gave the baby and toddler chocolate.
and the maid let the baby eat the chocolate.
suddenly, this little bitch came and squeezed herself between me and her maid.
and me being so nice moved A BIT for her to sit.
4 stops later, she was comfortably sitting on half my seat,
and staring at me do circle properties.
and we were on a super packed, faulty aircon mrt.
cos she was swinging her legs like anything.

then came home with a not good mood.
and now i'm freaking pissed because:
a. I don't get my platform bed.
b. I don't get my L-shaped table.
c. I don't get to plan my room at all.

today sucks.

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written on
4:58 PM

Wednesday, April 22, 2009
it's alright it's okay

Watched BBYD for lecture today.

Why were you crying?
Because you're the video was scary?
Because you were afraid what would happen to the students?
Because you wondered how someone could turn into such a monster?
Because it was to much for you to handle?
Or because it was so real; so possible?
(it sounds so much like your life)

I didn't get why people were laughing.
What was there to laugh at?
People getting canned?
People being publicly disgraced?
People dying?
People killing?
People not behaving like people.
(it's not sadism. it's just dark humor)

I don't know.
BBYD just affects me.
I cried in lecture.
It wasn't sympathy, it wasn't understanding how it felt.
It was seeing your life playing on screen and denying it.
It was feeling all f***ed up inside,
and having friends you can't talk to about it.

Met ShunBin at woodlands mrt.
technically, he met me. but w/e.
I never saw him until he tapped me at the escalator.
it kinda reminded me of how I never saw God till he made the first move.
How I would never see God unless I made the effort to turn.
How I lost God again this week.

went back with amanda + huijun + jiamin today.
best joke ever:
idk who: "sthsth HUANGTAO'S GFs sthsth"
me: "YUFENG!"
and then died of laughter.

current best song ever:
It's alright, it's okay - Ashley Tisdale
love the video, love the song.
tell me why she's my fave girl again?

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written on
5:30 PM

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

because tonight will be the night that I'll fall for you

stuck in my head ):
i hate it when that happens.
ah well.
slacking my head off here.
i have chem mind map + math to do.
but shall take the chance to sleep early.

analysing my blog with jiayi now.
damn weird.

over again

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written on
10:01 PM

i cut my hair D:
it's short and puffy now ):

3 more months to normal looking hair ._______.

why is being friends so easy now?

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written on
7:53 PM


back from B&J free cone day :D
went with Pearl (and zhangyang) in the end.
and huijun was torn into two (aww) -.-

feeling happy today.
effect of ice cream + proper sleep(:

school was boring.
napfa was sian.
missed silver thanks to SBJ ._.
will retake it O:

pretty confident of math pop quiz.
zoned out in hcl & physics.
nth much alr.
happy posts always seem superfluous.

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written on
5:49 PM

Monday, April 20, 2009

hey, you.
it's not entirely your fault.
don't harp on it, i'm sure nothing major will happen.
cheer up, chins up.
go back to the old you.
life has brought you down worse,
this is nothing but another pithole;
you've survived the cliff.

i want to see a better you (tmr)

shit. just remembered tmr napfa -.-

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written on
10:44 PM



written on
10:14 PM

i feel like i'm forgetting to do something.
because i'm suddenly too free o.o


written on
9:34 PM

sit next to me at lunch

prayer with vera at 6am was plain cool.
confidence + trust = good result 8D

had mcs breakfast with my dear kellie.
we should make that a monday ritual,
make mondays more enjoyable(:
strolled to school with her and talked a lot (as always).
studied a bit more chem,
then went to assembly.

math was unbearably boring.
blocked ms low out,
doodled on my notes,
fell asleep.

had only yoghurt drink for recess.
mcs was way too filling -.-
mugged a bit more chem,
chiong back to class,
had more revision time,
then chem test.

was okay, i guess.
didn't have any major screw ups and stuff.
shall leave the results to God.

drew circles in geog.
way cool doodlings 8)
shall get myself a circle template too!

died of laughter in CME.
sense and sexuality -.-
Wu Lao Shi: "sthsth 小狗恋情"
Shaun: "狗男女"
too bad if you don't get it.

lunch was pretty nice.
oyako don + nescafe latte.
been very long since i had that.
miss having coffee with clique):
i rmb amanda always has mocha and pearl has latte,
and i once tried original and hated it.

Assembly was quite sian.
lol. had ovatines with clique.
died laughing at the performers X:
I shall not be bad <:

waiting for kellie to come on now -.-
discuss malacca packing list :D

i sometimes wonder what goes through your head, my dear.
___ & _____ was damn awkward, i guess.
tmr will be better.
i'll bet on that.

debs: your mum'll get better. God will save.

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written on
7:33 PM

Sunday, April 19, 2009
let's go, don't wait. this night's almost over.

i'm feeling sleepy):
long day of cip today:
just got home.

woke up at 7+, 8?
cos of shaun's phone call,
then couldn't fall asleep again,
then debs called to ask whether i'm going service,
then came here to blog and left for cip.

met kellie at the blk 425 bus stop.
long story. haha.
morning's blues got chased away by mcflurry + kellie
so went to CIP on a high note 8D

usual briefing stuff,
got lost on our way to the blks,
'sold' post its,
met punks (LOL) and went in grps of 5,
had problems,
problems became bigger,
reached back at reporting place at 6.30,
stayed back until 7+ to solve the problem,
ended cip in a very bad mood):
ate dinner with kaiseng at 8,
left at 8.30 to go tampines to take bus,
reached home at 9.45.

gonna go shower and study chem now.

it felt weird not going to church today.
i missed worship,
i missed singing in public without worries,
i missed talking to debs,
i missed opening up my heart in the sanctuary,
i missed talking to God.

today, i learnt a lot.
about people, about society, and the importance of friends.
too tired to post abt it.

shall try later or sth.
bye love.

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written on
9:48 PM

sometimes i wonder what it's like to be a mother.
surely it'll be different from baby sitting;
it must be the best thing ever, i guess.

then i realise that i'm thinking too far into the future.

leaving for cip in 10 mins.
bye love.

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written on
11:32 AM

to all my 'friends'

i need to say,
the tagboard's there for a reason, y'know?

or is it the fact that my posts are too boring to tag abt.
(or maybe you just don't understand)
or maybe, we just ain't friends (anymore.)

it sucks to know,
that you do read my blog,
but you only tag at others.

and it seems like the whole world's moving at fast forward,
while i'm still stuck at used-to-bes.

and my daddy said stay away from juliet

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written on
11:19 AM

curly whirly hair 8D

quick post before leaving for CIP.
it's 11.11 now.

missed service today.
i don't know how i feel about that.
set my alarm at 9,
got woke up by shaun at like 7 or 8?
fell asleep again, then debs called.
told her i wasn't going to church,
read some stuff,
prepared for cip,
came here to blog.

pretty boring life.
and my hair's being curly today ._.
am i supposed to tie it up for cip?

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written on
11:11 AM

Saturday, April 18, 2009
with everything, i won't let this go

i'm just plain tired today.
i know i have a million more things to do:
study for chem,
clean my room,
make my mum & dad's bday present,
do sth special for benny,
do sth special for comp team,
study math,
study BBYD script,
rehearse for IDMI,
go to mwl with kellie,
go for a long jog,
sort out my thoughts,

but all i feel like doing now is sleep.
i doubt anything will go into my head if i study now.
shall sleep now, wake up early,
and mug like anything before CIP.

bye love.

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written on
10:27 PM

Oyster Sauce ;)

i'm fucking jealous of you.
i'm pretty mad that you don't ever tell me anything,
but expect me to tell you everything.
i hate the fact that everyone thinks you're better,
because you're a big flirt.

call me biased -
i don't really care.
i'm enough of you making use of me, whore.

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written on
9:04 PM

imma go shower now.
geog reseach 60% done?


written on
8:38 PM


i forgot to bring my blue paper to hsk.
mama rushed down from woodlands for me.
i love her(:

subway with squad,
half-ran to school,
changed in the bus,
and looked damn unglam X:

rec day was fun.
same team as yiren.
ran around places, and stuff.
i foresee problems in the future.

mood got killed by talks after rec day.
it's always "we're not pointing to anyone";
"some of you... blahblahblah"; "one person can ruin the whole sqd".
seriously. it always seems like we're not trying hard enough.
like it's our fault for not meeting your standards;
not to instruct the way you want us to.

that it's my fault for having a different perspective.

i'm doing geog project now.
not planning to sleep tonight.
mug chem.

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written on
7:43 PM

Friday, April 17, 2009

i present you my little man and his adorable cheeks! on Twitpic

remind me how much i love pete & ashlee.
(that's bronx, btw. cutest thing ever)

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written on
9:12 PM

dead (or alive)

i took a walk with God in my mind.
it didn't work out as well as I wanted it to be.
I need a real walk with a friend who understands how God touches people;
how God heals hearts;
how sometimes when you pray, you don't pray for yourself.

I promise myself to that walk after the tests.
maybe in malacca.
I need somewhere less urbanised, somewhere more green.
somewhere where i can just be myself,
without all those pretences.

i've got that i want to cry but have no idea why feeling again.


change topic.
suddenly rmb today during idmi meeting,
me and adalric were staring at this dead moth,
cos it didn't move and everything (even after blowing)
then adalric say "if the moth suddenly flies away, I'll freak out"
then after miss chen left,
big wind blow, paper flew, hit the moth,
and we freaked out.

and there was this deja vu feeling then.
like i dreamt it before.
exact place, words and reactions.

i should go be a psychic or sth.
see everything in dreams.
means i can sleep as long as i want.
okay. I think i'm crapping now.
shall go do geog research.

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written on
9:03 PM

so we've come a big round.

this is awkward.
I guess before I start posting properly again,
I need to say that when I say 'you' it doesn't really always refer to you?
does that make sense?

kellie, I guess I see what you mean in your post.

2.4: did quite well, I guess?
I think next year when we're back at the track, I'll die.
rest of the day was insignificant.

spent the afternoon with squad,
went home and talked a lot to haonan & xinyi.

i don't know.
sometimes, I feel like I should care more.
but I don't know how to.
sometimes it feels like I'm not doing enough,
that I'm to blame for not stopping all these.
That we're falling out because I didn't make the effort.
That I was wrong.

rah. whatever.
i need dosages of kellie + haonan + xinyi + wuyue + clique now.
I need God.

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written on
7:46 PM

Thursday, April 16, 2009
BANG BANG you're dead

it speaks to me.
in a way.
I guess everyone had that streak in them.
The one that wants to die, but is afraid to;
the one where you kill, because you loved them too much.

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written on
10:52 PM

cos I got over you(:

but the fire's in your hearts

I've never felt like this before.
It's like all your feelings just suddenly overwhelm you.
Happiness, sadness, gratitude, fear, confidence;

When it feels like all hope is lost,
what do you believe in?
When all you believe in is annihilated,
what would you do?

Yesterday I felt God touch me.
Yesterday I prayed that I would stick to my beliefs.
Yesterday I changed.

and today, that very prayer got answered.
today I didn't have 3 tests.
I had more:
the test of faith, of trust, of integrity,
of determination, of love.

today, I felt like life was extra-ordinary.
today, I got over you.

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written on
9:36 PM

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Matthew 6:25-27
Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?

Got this off a google search result.
Sometimes, I need a reminder to know that I can't do it by my own;
that I need someone to fall back into;
that I need a little time with God.

I'm actually tearing now, after receiving Shun Bin's sms.
I don't know why.
I just feel thankful, that I have friends who are there for me,
in my darkest moments; when I need to have a little cry.

It feels nice, I guess.
To always know that God is there to catch me if I fall,
heal me if I break, encourage me if I need.
To know that God will listen to all my rants, all my sorrows,
and take in all my tears and replace them with tears.

These few days were hard, I guess.
I kinda shut God out of my life.
I prayed without inviting Him into my heart,
like it was routine; normal.
I prayed, and I didn't get.

It's nice to know that amidst all the Dunman madness;
through all the mugging and worrying and skipping of meals,
that I have my CG to count on;
to just let life go a little slower,
live life a little fuller,
and feel God a little more.

I promised myself an early night,
and a more healed heart.
I got the latter, but I'm not gonna let the former go.

Dear Heavenly Father,
thank You for bringing me back to You, for letting me see, once again, that I am nothing without You.
Father Lord, I pray that You may grant me faith and confidence for the tests tommorow,
and that I will be able to remember all that I studied, and do well in them.
Father, I pray, too, for Shun Bin and my other CG members,
that You may heal them in the various ways that they require You to touch them.
Jesus, I pray for the broken, the lost, and those that are in the midst of healing.
I pray that You may guide me through the challenges, and help me to stick to my faith,
that anything is possible, with a little Peter Pan magic.
Lord, I am grateful to You for bringing this little piece of happiness,
this tiny shard of light and hope into my life during the dark period.
I thank You for helping me see logic in my emotions,
for tearing me apart, and building me up into a better person.
In Your most precious name, Amen.

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written on
11:14 PM

tear (jerk)er

talk to my friends, cos you love them more than me.

today was pretty nice, i guess.
my mama finally bought the salmon don from sakae for me 8D
LA lecture was pretty cool.
nearly cried.
(yeahyeah, i know. sucker for tear jerkers.)

nothing else, i guess.
slept during ACE,
slacked in physics,
stoned in math,
and stuff.

imma study cheng yu now.
i'm determined to pass.

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written on
6:20 PM

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


and just in time to rmb that i forgot,


i seriously thought his birthday was 22 april o.o
idk why. lol.

shall go sleep now 8D

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written on
11:23 PM

but in the end, it doesn't even matter

i have 287 words for ace essay,
and i'm gonna die of tiredness alr.

oh well,
jy christine(:
it's only a little more to go.
you've come so far, don't give up now.
this is to all the things you've done and are doing.

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written on
10:36 PM


everytime i try to fly, i fall
without my wings, i feel so small

it's stuck in my head.

and yay. imma get a new air-con in my room 8D
and get it renovated to get the cool table i want,
and platform bed omg.
after i clean my room -.-

so, my new goal is to clean my room + pack stuff into boxes by
7 MAY?
cos it's my mama's birthday (and jt's),
and making her happy means nicer room :D

ksoanw, i'm supposed to be doing my ACE.
bye love.

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written on
9:02 PM

believers never die

cbox's back :D
and i have a sudden compulsion to jog.
but it's at night,
i have nobody to jog with me,
and there's ace hw ):

pretty good day today,
and i'm still a bus ahead.

i whispered goodbye

for debs:
we're alice and wendy, yeah?
so alike, yet so different.
(in the sense of character, problems, and conflicts)

hang on, hang strong.
we're taking it step by step, together,
back to square one;
where there's always faith, trust and pixie dust.

Where doors talk and believers never die ♥

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written on
7:54 PM

feels like tonight

my laptop has some problems with cbox,
and now my tb's gone):

shall go mug at 5.30 8D

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written on
5:03 PM

Monday, April 13, 2009

doing LA now.
freaking screwed.
and i can't keep my eyes open.

i'm sick and tired of waiting for you to post.

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written on
10:42 PM

but not this time

there's no church to look forward to this weekend.
there's no break for me to take.
there's no way for me to lose my goals.

i just lose myself on the way there.

I miss God.
I miss taking pictures that had meanings.
I miss running after a rain.
I miss walking in the rain.
I miss having friends to go home with everyday.
I miss talking to you, the only person who understood.
I miss texting in class.

I miss those days when sorrow was having much homework,
and happiness was coming home to get some sleep.

don't let this dampen your spirit.
it's just me.

i wanna use my polaroid.
but the film is so damn freaking ex .____.

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written on
8:12 PM

i'm lost in love

i was wondering, at the bus stop,
about what you were thinking about.
are your thoughts in the same line as mine when our gaze meet?

when does it go too far?

i don't get the whole friends thing now.
does it still count if the feeling's all wrong and different?
can hearts really be healed by faith?

why am I doubting God?

Life's just one pathetic coincidence:
I'll always be a bus ahead of you, baby.

i don't get the meaning of this post anymore.
my mind's a blank,
my grades are screwed,
and you're always in my backview, love.

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written on
7:26 PM

Fear Quiz!

copied from Pearl x)

If you get more than 30, I strongly recommend some counseling.
If you get more than 20, you’re paranoid.
If you get 11-20, you are normal.
If you get 10 or less, you’re fearless.
People who don’t have any are full of crap.
I fear ...

[ ] black people
[X] the dark
[X] staying single forever
[ ] being a parent
[ ] being myself in front of others
[ ] open spaces
[X] closed spaces
[ ] heights
[ ] dogs
[ ] birds
[ ] fish
[ ] spiders
[ ] flowers or other plants

[ ] being touched
[ ] fire
[ ] deep water
[ ] snakes
[ ] silk
[ ] the ocean
[ ]failure
[ ] success
[ ] thunder/lightning
[ ] frogs/toads
[ ] my boyfriends/girlfriends dad
[ ] my boyfriends/girlfriends mom
[ ] rats
[X] jumping from high places
[ ] snow

[ ] rain
[ ] wind
[X] crossing hanging bridges
[ ] death
[ ] heaven
[ ] being robbed/mugged
[ ] falling
[X] clowns
[X] dolls
[ ] large crowds of people
[ ] men
[ ] women
[ ] having great responsibilities
[ ] doctors
[ ] tornadoes

[ ] hurricanes
[ ] incurable diseases
[ ] sharks
[ ] Friday the 13th
[ ] ghosts
[ ] poverty
[ ] Halloween
[ ] school
[ ] trains
[ ] odd numbers
[ ] even numbers
[X] being alone
[X] becoming blind
[X] becoming deaf
[ ] growing up, old

[X] creepy noises in the night
[ ] not accomplishing my dreams/goals
[ ] needles
[ ] blood
total: 11, aw. i'm normal ):
lol. "proper" post coming soon.
i guess. i'm in the mood for emo posts.


written on
7:14 PM

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Everytime, Britney Spears
Notice me
Take my hand
Why are we
Strangers when
Our love is strong
Why carry on without me?

Everytime I try to fly
I fall without my wings

I feel so small
I guess I need you baby
And everytime I see you in my dreams
I see your face, it's haunting me

I guess I need you baby

I make believe
That you are here
It's the only way
I see clear
What have I done
You seem to move on easy

And everytime I try to fly
I fall without my wings
I feel so small
I guess I need you baby
And everytime I see you in my dreams
I see your face, you're haunting me
I guess I need you baby

I may have made it rain
Please forgive me
My weakness caused you pain
And this song is my sorry


At night I pray
That soon your face
Will fade away

And everytime I try to fly
I fall without my wings
I feel so small
I guess I need you baby
And everytime I see you in my dreams
I see your face, you're haunting me
I guess I need you baby

so much for faith, trust and pixie dust.
is stil fall when I fly,
play make-believe in my head,
and pray with all my heart that you'll fade away.

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written on
9:59 PM


suddenly rmb something.
i'm not those kind of girl who moves on to liking another guy after not liking one.
that's just plain frivolous.
so in case that was too high a linguistic standard for you to understand,
i'm not crushing on anyone.
(esp. not him: not hating him like y'all do doesn't mean i like him)
tyvm for understanding.

ohh man.
i just realise,
everyone thinks i like someone cos i don't hate them -.-

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written on
8:36 PM

i'm lost in wonder

i'm lost in love.

service today was really cool.
saw people getting baptized and had holy communion.
(i still have no idea whether i'm supposed to partake in it X:)
Jesus died on the cross because He was betrayed.
that's just so human, don't you think?
betraying the person who treats you the best,
for something you think is better?

didn't go to CG outing today ):
but went to cwps for lunch with family.
it's been so long since i actually sat down and ate with them.
lunch's pretty impossible on school days,
and i skip dinner like... 4 days a week?
t'was nice to eat with them, i guess.
bought a few stuff.
bought HAPPY MEAL cos of the pokeball X:
(yeah and broke my no fast food for 1 mth rule)

aw. 5 weeks with no fast food now!
and i desperately need to save money.
new goal: no fast food, jap food thrice a week, NO DRINKS ._.
for 2 weeks?
i shall try v. hard :D

sch tmr.
missing my mcs breakfast with jiaying and kellie cos of sj):
next mon, yeah?

oh no.
just recalled.
napfa's this friday .___.

i'm lost in praise.

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written on
7:52 PM

Saturday, April 11, 2009

i just realised.
nat comp training starts in two days.
and i haven't got anything for my darlings yet.

this is so screwed omg.


written on
9:06 PM


had fun doing idmi(;
look forward to the film.

saw a lot of stuff that i've never realised,
although they were obviously laid out in front of me.
a simple word, yet it holds so much meaning to life.
break that friendship, and you get hurt.
try to be more than friends, and you lose them.
forget friends, and your life is pathetic and miserable.
i won't break that code.

thought through a lot of stuff on the mrt to amk today.
i remembered primary school,
i remembered cresmic,
and i remembered 3B.
and through it all, i wonder,
whether y'all remember me as i remember you.

conclusion: i'd rather you love thy enemies than thy friends.

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written on
7:55 PM

i don't like superfluous stuff.


written on
11:22 AM

Friday, April 10, 2009
david (archuleta)

i'm such a dreamer,
and you're just a faker;
i'm a believer,
and you're a big liar;
i'm a risk-taker,
and you're a heartbreaker.

this doesn't go out to anyone.
it's just this feeling that i'ld be feeling down for the next few days.
and there's something making me want to post that.
idmi tmr.
i'm not looking forward to plasticine + eyedrops + stuff.
wait till idmi week to know more ;)

xoxo christine(:

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written on
11:15 PM


i don't believe in words.
actions speak more.

because i had trusted,
and that trust always got broken.

dear Lord, give me someone to fall back into.

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written on
11:04 PM


sometimes, i need reality to shoot me twice before i decide to give up.
sometimes, the blind aren't really blind: they just can't see clearly.
sometimes, even though you claim you understand someone, you don't know anything at all.
sometimes, the best are just losers who delude themselves.
sometimes, friends are those who betray you.
sometimes, the people you trust the most are the people you should be most wary of.
sometimes, kindness is just an act.
sometimes, the things you believe in are all wrong.
sometimes, happiness is a facade to cover up the sadness.
sometimes, pretence works better than the truth.
sometimes, it's easier to believe in the lie than the truth.
sometimes, it takes more than hurt to bring you down.
sometimes, love isn't true.
sometimes, it takes more than one try to climb out of the hole you dug.

sometimes i wonder how things came to be like this.

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written on
9:32 PM